Hellooo! (:
i know this is a lil late, but here are some pics of Muggers Zone on 02 May! :D
we had loads of FUN! do join us this Sat, 9 MAy!
The picture speaks for itself ya? ;) *Muggers -in the US it means robbers! ahaha. but don't worry, we ain't a bunch of robbers! we're here to MUG HARD! : D -thanks Glenda for the lovely sign. :)
There's Yu Fei using his laptop...
Justin watching on as Yu Fei does his work. Hiding behind the com? Nah. He finished his work so he's relaxing-somthing he deserves after all the hard work!
And Hanniel is...sleeping or using his hp? i can't tell.
and there you see our faithful freinds that kept us awake - A&W and Sprite! plus BBQ twisties. haha.
Our 3 muskerteers studying HARD! (: Great job, Glenda, Gwyn & Claudia! They really studied, you should've seen em. :D and i think Glenda's tyring to memories her lit poem at this point of time. haha. :)
Then we see Giolo & Luzerne mugging hard too! (:
Giolo looks like he's in deep thoughts...
Yup, that's all folks! :D
P.S - sorry if the pics are blurr, my phone ain't a camera phone.. unless u wanna get me one? haha. just kidding. ;)
mel. :)