Hi xteam!
upcoming events on saturday are seperate(boy and girls)
c3 will be sent for further details.
hey,did you ever wondered if the movie '2012' would really happen?
the end of the world?
the answer is NO-for the scripture says that when its time for the second coming of christ,
there will be a 'tribulation period'that will last for 7years
during this time,satan will be in control of everything
but it is said that the belivers of Christ the lord and saviour would be 'raptured'.
It is also said that there are different points of views in this situation.
Prewrath tribulation
Seven trumpet tribulation
First,the PREtribulation
it is interprated that all christian at that time who is alive will be taken up to heaven even before the tribulations start,but those who become chistians after the rapture or during the tribulation period,will live through,or perish,after the tribulation,then christ will return again.
Secondly,the Prewrath tribulation
these is believed that the rapture will occur during the tribulation,but before the seven bowls of the wrath of God.
thirdly,the Seventh Trumpet Tribulationists
as the same as the Prewrath tribulation,that the rapture will occur during the tribulation,but before the seven bowls of the wrath of God,but specifically,at the sound of the last trumpet.
As the tribulation period is divided into two,the beggining of great sorrows,and the 'great tribulation'proper.this interpretation is that the rapture of the faithful will occur halfway through the Tribulation, but before the worst part of it occurs
And lastlly,the Posttribulationist
this believe is that Christians will not be taken up into Heaven. But, they will be received or gathered by Christ into the Kingdom of God on earth at the end of the Tribulation.,immediately
even though there are many different interpretations,it proves that the world will only "end" maximuim seven years from now.
here's an interesting link for the events during the tribulation and before-