Children’s Camp 2009: I’ll Be The One!
In the short three days of camp, God has taught me so much and in many amazing ways that I never expected. When Jeremy asked me to be one of the leaders, I had an uneasy feeling deep in my heart because I knew that the rest of the leaders were all younger than me by at least 2 years or more and it felt weird. I also had tons of unfinished homework and studying to do because of o’levels coming up and I was hesitating even as to whether to go for camp. As I seek God’s will for me during devotions, I kept questioning God if I should take up this step of faith as a leader. God taught me that serving the King of kings was my privilege and this prompted me to agree to be a leader. Not knowing all the leaders very well, I was super unsettled and worried, but God placed a strong desire in my heart to serve Him and bring the children closer to Him. I attended the leaders’ meeting, and we chose our partner leader. I did not particularly wanted to work with any of the guy leaders, but I only knew who Mark, Jon Yuen and Rayner were. I totally did not know who Justin was but we ended up as partners to lead Emerald and God showed me truly everything happens for a reason.
First day, we had games and got to know each member better. At first, Emerald had the least group members and everyone was shy. But I thank God more came and the group members started opening up to each other. I love the spirit and determination Emerald had in the game of melting the ice to get the shirt out. Everyone was cheering and I could see that all wanted to contribute even the small ones.
During the first night of the leaders’ meeting, God really broke the girls down and even Jon Yuen and Justin. It touched my heart to see God’s mighty hand working in our lives. I thank God for placing a burden in Justin’s and my heart to share the Gospel with Perry, a new unsaved boy. After the meeting, Justin and I went to share with Perry the gift of salvation. Though we had to share with Perry many times before he understood and accepted Christ as he had absolutely no knowledge of the Bible , I thank God that He uses even sinners like us to reach out and for PERRY’S SALVATION! I had such an enjoyable time of sharing with Justin and Perry that night.
Second day, I had a hard time gathering and controlling all eleven of my group members as they were ultra active and devotion could not be carried out effectively. I also found myself facing challenges while working with Justin. I just thank God for Melody being there for me when I was really discouraged during games. And God taught me the more troubles I have, the more I should depend on Him. As I saw the smiles on the children’s faces, I prayed to God that in my weakness may His perfection be seen so clearly to these children and God spoke to my heart deeply. I also thank God for giving me the opportunity to witness Justin mature in the Lord and how he has been a great encouragement and huge help to me! :D
During the second night of the leaders’ meeting, Jeremy wanted us to confess what the problems we faced while working with our partners. I could not bring myself to say the truth and I felt helpless too. However, Jeremy showed me that in the mist of love, there can be painful times as well. I believe that God has spoke to every leader’s heart. As I saw Mark broke down before the Lord, it really blessed my heart. And thanks Jessica, Glenda, Elizabelle for all those encouraging hugs we shared yeah. :D
Lastly, God showed me clearly in this camp that LOVE plays a key role in relationships because it was God’s love for the world that He sent His son down to earth, and it was Jesus’s love for men that He died on the cross to bear our sins that in return we may also love the people around us so that their lost souls will be attracted to God! Cheers to God! (:
Psalm 55:22 says “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you...”
Thank God for who He is and His sustaining grace carrying us through each day!
Truckloads of love,
Samantha. (:
I shonē with Jēsus @ | 4:41 PM
*.* Children’s Camp 2009 Reflection *.*
In the past three days of the camp which God had allowed me to go, I have learnt invaluable lessons that cannot be taught through textbooks and worksheets. I am really grateful that I have been given this opportunity to lead the team Opal. I have learnt what a true leader is made of.
When Jeremy first met informed me of me being a leader, I thought, ‘Great! It is going to be a breeze.’ So I agreed. He called a meeting and I attended. We had a little discussion and we chose our partners. I ended up with Jessica being my partner. After choosing our members, we left.
The big day arrived and so we made our way to the campsite. After some ice-breaker games, we had some station games. Then we washed-up. Dinner followed and we had the evening sermon. After the sermon, Jeremy gathered the leaders and we had sharing. I saw the girls cry, but I was completely helpless in the face of their sadness. Then Glenda prayed something that really struck home. “Lord, thank you for breaking my foolish pride.” I realised that I was prideful in believing that I could lead the team easily. So I prayed for God’s assistance in that matter. The night went on smoothly. But since this is a reflection, I will not write an itinerary.
The second day went on fairly well. But at the sharing, I learnt something that shook me to the core. Glenda was my brother’s leader. So it meant that she would spend a lot of time together. At the sharing, she told us that Paul was always the one who would be the first to obey. He would encourage her and was very kind-hearted. But one thing you should know about my brother, Paul, is that he had no friends then. Glenda said it broke her heart to see him that way. I was stunned. For the eleven years that I have known Paul, I have never really sat down and pondered where my relationship with Paul was going. But now, it just took a person who spent two days with him to tell me that he was a sweet boy. I felt terrible and guilty. For all the years I have spent with him, I had always focused on his negative aspects and not his positive ones. I kept on wondering to myself what kind of brother I have been. On the first day of camp, when I witnessed every other leader cry, I thought I was unbreakable. But man, how wrong, I was! God shattered my pride and cold heart. Reforming it to the heart He wanted, the Lord filled my heart with His love and I was overcome with emotions. Guilt, shame and self-reproach racked me. I was brought to my knees. And for this, I thank the Lord for using Glenda to open my eyes and to let me see my brother the way God wants me to see him. And through my new Jesus-improved vision, I can see that my brother indeed, is a sweet boy.
Another thing I have learnt is what a true leader is made of. I am a scout since Primary 3. When I was in Primary 6, at the age of twelve, I daresay I was the top cadet in my unit, for I had 13 proficiency badges under my name and the most senior rank in primary school scout level. I attained the highest award a primary school scout could get. I was seen as a great leader in my unit. And so I formulated this equation: Ability+ Quality=A good leader. But after this camp, I have realised that all my awards and ranks and other junk I wear on my uniform matter absolutely nothing to God. For his equation of a good leader is this: Love+ Initiative+ God=A good leader. Love is the centre goal of a leader’s life and it is so not fame that should be driving a leader. I was taught this lesson after a very hard blow was landed on my ego.
Jessica was my partner in leading. I thought it would be a breeze, like how I led my scout cadets. But when the last night of sharing came, Jessica said something that changed my whole perspective on leading. She said that I was too playful and was leading the guys in my team astray. Ouch. That really hurt. All along, I thought I was the best leader anyone could find and suddenly, all my thoughts of glamour and glory go POOF, as if it was only a daydream. My ego was hurting like crazy. I was burning within, as if my heart was yelling out, “Who are you to tell me what kind of leader I am! I am the best of the best in my troop! Have you no respect for me?!” But then God touched my heart and made me realise that I possessed a pride that had brought many men to their dooms. And so I prayed for God’s assistance to help me lead my team in the way He wants me to lead. For we must always allow God’s will to be done, and not our own will, for our will is a pathetic little idea that brings us short-lived joy. We have to be willing to allow God to fill us with His Holy Spirit, for only then, can we be the one whom Jesus can use.
And so, I bring my reflection on this wonderful and enriching camp to a close. May others see the light of Christ shining within us. I would like to thank God for allowing Glenda and Jessica to change my vision. Now I see my brother so differently and I now perceive leadership not as an easy task, but a back-breaking burden in which we need the Lord to help us carry. I pray that we can be the ones God wants to use to carry the gospel light to the world. We are wielding a very powerful weapon against the enemy, and that is prayer. May we be constantly asking God to help us, for we are too weak to help ourselves. I wish you all a blessed half-year till 2010.
God bless and with love,
MARKanking (:
I shonē with Jēsus @ | 12:20 AM
*.* "From us to you" *.*
Dear xteam-ers,
that time of the year again - back to school!
We thank God for an awesome month of June,
His blessings showered upon us in so so many ways.
Thank God for all the fantastic camps -
Church camp, Soccer camp and Children's camp!
we have seen you grow so much spiritually in this month and we thank God for the sweet unity He has given xtēam.
You have seen God work.
You have been spiritually revived,
You have been spiritually refreshed and now some of you may be asking:
How do we keep the fire alive?Well, we may not have all the answers, but the following are just some pointers we would like to share with you.
1. Surround yourself with like-minded people
" Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken." -Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
2. Soak yourself in the Word and in Prayer"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." - Joshua 1:8
"How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You. Blessed are You, O LORD! Teach me Your statutes." - Psalm 119:9-12
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:6-7
3. Surrender yourself daily to the Holy Spirit's control"I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law...If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." -Galatians 5:16-18,25
Let's continue to look out for each other and encourage one another in the Lord!
Have a blessed week in school!
Yu Fei &
I shonē with Jēsus @ | 11:19 PM
*.* PICTURES!!! *.*
Just want to THANK GOD for Jonathan who organise the outing today(: Here are the picture that I have taken(:
I shonē with Jēsus @ | 2:19 AM
Hey guys!
Children's camp is coming up!
here are some of the prayer requests(:
-More campers
-The Games team
-The Leaders(this year the younger ones are leading. most of them are from x-team)
please pray!
love, glenda:)
I shonē with Jēsus @ | 1:20 PM
*.* I need help *.*
Hey, I know this is very late... but I just wanna ask for your prayers as I'm going for an interview with a teacher to join the prefectorial board.
Here's the problem: I had an interview with the same teacher last year and she asked me a question, if I were to choose between going for prefect meetings and going for church activities, what would I choose?
I told her I would go to church. She then told me that church people
brainwash others. During the last interview she even quoted a verse from the Bible: Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and God the things that are God's. Naturally, I didn't get the job. (I was on the verge of shouting "get away from me Satan!!")
This year my form teacher nominated me to be a prefect again and I'm going for an interview with her yet
again this afternoon!
Please, pray with me and hope that things will work out fine.
*Talks to myself* What am I saying? With God's help, of course things will go fine!
*Sings* God will make a way, when there seems to be no way (a song we sing at Children's church)
Here's a verse I have for my teacher:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and these things will added unto you.Matthew 6:33
God bless you all!
I shonē with Jēsus @ | 11:55 AM